Monday, July 13, 2009

University Wildlife!!!

G'Day Mates,

I could not believe the amount of animals that I observed as soon as I arrived at James Cook University. The first animal I saw was a huge bird running around. It was a turkey!! There are wild turkeys all over campus! Check out the video below!

Just the other day I saw these cool compartments made out of leaves on the trees outside my dorm room. It turns out that green tree ants larvae secret a silk that the ants use to seal 4 or 5 leaves together. This compartment acts as a nest. The green tree ants live inside the nests and lay their eggs. See if you can see the green tree ants in the picture below. Can you see the eggs? Can you see the silk seal?

There are also kangaroos and wallabys on campus. I haven't seen any kangaroos yet, but here is a picture of a wallaby that I saw after lunch today.

I haven't seen these last animals on campus. However, they were all over a tree I saw in a city named Cairns. Cairns is about a four hour drive north of Townsville. Click on the video and see if you can guess the what animals are in the tree. First to guess correctly will get a prize when I return!


Mr. Misner:)


  1. Are there bats in the tree?
    -rich and lyda
    we are testing the blog from IEY

  2. Mr. Fullerton 's class knows that they are fruit bats.

  3. Bats are in the tree. joseph jones

  4. Hi! Mr Misner i think these are bats

  5. Mr Misner the animal is a bat

  6. I think it's a crow. Silvia Guzman.

  7. I think its a bird. Nyasia Spady

  8. I guess they are bats. Nicolas Cosme

  9. I guess they are birds - Guadalupe Hernandez
    I guess they are birds - Eduardo Magana
    Bats are in the tree - Rosa Gonzalez
    Bats are in the tree because they are hanging upside down! - Luis Gonzalez
    (Luis and I helped students log onto the blog! Lyda M.)

  10. Hey Mr. Misner,
    Mr. Dower's summer school group guesses the animals in the pictures are fruit bats. Watch out Mr. Misner!

  11. Denninger/Generoso's summer group think the animals in the video are BATS!

    We have a question about the green tree leaves - are there spiders in the silk nests on the leaves? we can see the eggs!

  12. Mr Becks class guess is bats

  13. mr beck seed owls

  14. Oscar Perez guesses they are bats.

  15. chris fagroso says owls.

  16. ms. Burans class guessed they are bats

  17. ulises torres and guillermo torres and yovani valdovinos and jose vallejo think it a possum
